
Georgia Launches Go Build Effort

Following on the heels of the very successful Go Build campaign launched in 2010 in Alabama, Georgia has created a Go Build Georgia effort to address the skilled labor shortage in Georgia by educating young people and the public at large about the wage, lifestyle and employment benefits in the skilled labor trades. Georgia Branch AGC and its supported Construction Education Foundation of Georgia (CEFGA) have been very active in the creation of the workforce development effort, which was launched by the Governor’s Competitive Initiative. “This initiative to help Georgia’s skilled trade industries will open new opportunities for our students and Georgia’s job seekers,” said Gov. Nathan Deal in announcing the launch on Jan. 17, 2012. One of the key pieces of both campaigns is the support of “Dirty Jobs” TV host Mike Rowe, who has made the nation’s growing skills gap a centerpiece of his initiative to encourage people to look at skilled labor as a career opportunity. More information about the effort can be found at the Go Build Georgia website: