
AGC Achieves Legislative Success in “Do-Nothing” Congress

AGC secured two major legislative victories in the so-called “do-nothing” Congress in 2011, including: (1) repeal of the 3 percent tax withholding mandate on local, state and federal government contracts for goods and services; and (2) repeal of the expanded Form 1099 requirement that was a part of the controversial Health Care "reform”.   Though a partisan congressional environment makes legislative victories difficult, AGC proved they are more than possible. In 2011, Congress introduced 5,793 bills. Of those bills introduced, 81—fewer than 2 percent—became law.  Despite these dismal statistics, as noted above, AGC successfully led the fight in passing two of its top legislative priorities with bipartisan majorities in both the House and Senate. Remember, though the headlines may lead you to believe Congress isn’t accomplishing anything, AGC ensures that it does something for you and your construction business.  AGC fights every day in Washington, D.C., for the construction industry. As AGC members, we’d like to thank you for your continued faith in our ability to work for you. For more information contact Jimmy Christianson at or 202-547-5013.