
Transportation is Job #1 Campaign

With only 66 days remaining until the expiration of the latest highway and transit authorization extension, today AGC kicked-off a comprehensive grassroots and communications campaign asking Congress to take action on a reauthorization bill before March 31, 2012. The campaign, called Make Transportation JOB #1, will continue to build momentum for passage of a reauthorization billThe time to engage your member of Congress is now.  Both the House and Senate are in position to move their respective bills but they need to be encouraged to ACT NOW. Over the next several weeks AGC chapters, members and business colleagues need to:
  1. Send letters to your Representatives and Senators
  2. Sign a petition expressing your support for passing a highway and transit bill NOW!
  3. Use a complete grassroots toolkit – available on the AGC website – with sample letters to the editor and guidance about arranging effective meetings with your Representatives and Senators.
AGC would like to thank the chapters and members who have already participated in the campaign.  To date, almost 1000 letters have been sent to Congress asking them to pass a highway and transit bill.  Only 122 signatures have been added to AGC’s online petition so we ask that you go onto our website,, sign the petition today, and encourage your employees and colleagues to do the same.   AGC would also like to thank those who signed onto the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s letter to “Make Transportation Job #1”.  The letter gathered over 1000 signatures from companies, associations, chambers of commerce, labor unions, transit authorities and other organizations in all 50 states. Getting a highway and transit authorization bill passed in Congress and signed into law prior to March 31, 2012, will not be easy.   It is vital that AGC members engage business associates (suppliers, subcontractors, insurance, bonding, financial services, etc.), labor organizations and other non-construction businesses in this effort.  We need a true team effort to get this done. For more information, please contact Sean O’Neill at (202) 547-8892 or; or Brian Deery at (703) 837-5319 or