
The Sun Shines on Romney in Florida

Governor Mitt Romney defeated Speaker Newt Gingrich in Tuesday’s Florida primary by more than 14 points. A key battleground state on the road to the White House, Florida represents a significant victory for the Romney campaign. With 46 states left, the next challenge is the Nevada Caucuses held on Saturday, Feb. 4. Mitt Romney should have a strong showing in Nevada. Situated next to Utah, where the former Massachusetts governor has strong political and donor support, Romney has never trailed in a Nevada poll.  In 2008, he won the state's caucuses—and its 34 delegates—easily. To keep track of the Republican Presidential Convention delegate race, visit the Wall Street Journal’s GOP Delegate Tracker. AGC continues to closely monitor this race and the congressional races for construction-friendly candidates. For more information, please contact Jimmy Christianson at (202) 547-5013 or