
By the Numbers: Santorum Wins This Week’s Battles While Romney Continues to Lead

Sen. Rick Santorum won contests in Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri on Tuesday. Two of the three—the Colorado and Minnesota Caucuses—were delegate-awarding wins where the senator picked up at least 52 delegates—15 in Colorado and 37 in Minnesota.  Santorum also won the Missouri primary, but did not win delegates based on the results. Instead, Missouri awards its 52 delegates through a system of caucuses and conventions beginning March 17. Gov. Mitt Romney still leads the overall delegate race with 107, while Santorum, Newt Gingrich, and Ron Paul have 69, 32 and 9 delegates, respectively. To win the Republican presidential nomination, a candidate needs 1,144 delegates. For more information on the delegate race, visit The question for voters throughout this race remains: Who is the true conservative? Many states have shown us different answers to date. New Hampshire, Nevada, and Florida voted for Romney; Colorado, Iowa, Minnesota and Missouri voted for Santorum; while South Carolina voted for Gingrich. However, the question many Washington insiders have is: Will the Republicans nominate someone who actually has a possibility of defeating President Obama? For the answer, stay tuned. Next up: the Maine Caucuses beginning this Saturday. AGC PAC continues to monitor this race as well as the congressional races for construction friendly candidates. For more information, contact Jimmy Christianson at 202-547-5013 or