
2013 Budget Proposal - Federal Construction Programs

Military Construction Overall funding for the Department of Defense (DOD) Military Construction account is $9 billion, which is $4 billion less than the budget for FY 2012, or down about 31 percent.  This large reduction in funding is mostly due to the end of the DOD’s six-year Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) 2005 program. Below is a breakdown of the funding for each branch of the military:
  • Army - $1,923 billion
  • Navy & Marine Corps - $1,701 billion
  • Air Force - $388 million
  • Defense-Wide - $3,654 billion
  • NATO - $254 million
  • Army National Guard - $613 million
  • Air National Guard - $42 million
  • Army Reserve - $305 million
  • Navy Reserve - $49 million
  • Air Force Reserve - $10 million
  • Chemical Demilitarization Construction, Defense-Wide - $151 million
Corps of Engineers—Civil Works The total discretionary budget for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works program was $4.7 billion.  This funding level is $270 million – 6 percent – less than last year.  A summary of the Civil Works construction accounts is as follows:
  • General Construction - $1,471 billion
  • Operation and Maintenance - $2,398 billion
  • Mississippi River and Tributaries -  $234 million
  • Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies - $30 million
  • Investigations - $102 million
  • Regulatory Program - $205 million
  • Expenses - $182 million
  • Office of Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works - $5 million
  • Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program - $104 million
General Services Administration Funding for the General Services Administration’s construction program increased for 2013 after being zeroed out in the House-passed budget last year. The president’s budget provides $56 million for new construction, an increase of $6 million, or 12 percent.  The repairs and alterations account increased by 76 percent, to $495 million. Department of Veterans Affairs Discretionary funding in the president’s budget for the Veterans Affairs (VA) totals $64 billion.  $532 million is provided for major construction and $607 million is set aside for minor construction totaling just over $1 billion in funding for VA construction, which is an increase of $68 million (6 percent). For more information, please contact Marco Giamberardino at (703) 837-5325