
Like EPA Mud Rules? Help AGC Tell EPA about Runoff Sampling Obstacles

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) remains committed to developing a first-time, nationwide requirement dictating how much dirt in stormwater can run across active construction sites, and making construction site “operators” potentially liable for penalties under the Clean Water Act (up to $37,500 per day per violation) if the water leaving their sites is too “muddy.” Known as a numeric  turbidity limit,  the EPA is asking for public comments on issues concerning this lurking—but not finalized—mud rule by March 5. Specifically, EPA is soliciting feedback on issues relating to collecting stormwater samples in the field and analyzing monitoring data. EPA is also looking for more information on the performance of stormwater treatment technologies in general. For a list of specific questions on which AGC needs contractor-members’ input, click HERE. You can help ensure that AGC has a well-informed and comprehensive response to EPA by clicking HERE. For more information contact Leah Pilconis at or Jimmy Christianson at