
Super Tuesday Recap: Romney Wins, But Doesn’t Close the Door

Gov. Mitt Romney won six out of 10 state primary contests on Super Tuesday—the most delegate rich primary day on the nomination calendar—with 419 delegates up for grabs. Alaska, Idaho, Massachusetts, Ohio, Vermont and Virginia voted for Romney, while Sen. Rick Santorum won North Dakota, Oklahoma and Tennessee. Speaker Newt Gingrich took his home state of Georgia. The magic number of delegates needed for clinching the Republican nomination is 1,144 delegates. After Tuesday’s contests, the delegate count breaks down as follows: Romney (415 delegates), Santorum (176), Gingrich (105), Paul (47). Coming up on Saturday, March 10, the candidates will fight in primary battles in Guam (9 delegates), Kansas (40), Northern Marianas Islands (9), and the Virgin Islands Caucuses (9). The Republican National Committee’s Political Director Rick Wiley told the AGC PAC State Chairmen during a conference call in December that this contest would go well into April. From the looks of it, he couldn’t have been more correct. AGC PAC will continue to monitor this race and the congressional races for construction-friendly candidates. For more information, contact Jimmy Christianson at 202-547-5013 or or visit