
House Holds Hearing on Job Training Reforms

The House Committee on Education and the Workforce held a hearing on legislation that would help reform the nation’s job training system by strengthening employer engagement in state and local workforce decisions, as well as giving states and localities more flexibility, the Workforce Investment Improvement Act of 2012. AGC sent a letter to the committee outlining AGC’s support for a strong and skilled workforce. AGC highlighted the construction industry is made up of predominantly small employers. In the past, many employers in the industry have had trouble connecting with local workforce investment systems or workforce investment boards (WIBs) due to the structure of the boards and types of training offered locally. However, H.R. 4297 will strengthen the presence and participation of employers on WIBs, and this increased participation by employers will be a welcomed change to the construction industry. Local employers can ensure local job training will address workforce gaps and better fit local population needs. AGC intends to continue to work with congressional leaders on reforming the job training system and ensuring the industry benefits from its reforms. For more information, please contact Jim Young at 202-547-3350