
Obama Administration Calls for 5 Percent Cuts From FY 2014 Agency Budgets

The White House budget office recently issued a memorandum to federal agencies directing them to plan for discretionary spending cuts of 5 percent below the 2014 levels the administration had previously outlined in its 2013 budget request.  Acting Office of Management and Budget Director Jeff Zients notes that “the 2014 Budget will need to make hard choices,” as the Budget Control Act, which put into place steep discretionary spending cuts resulting from the last summer’s debt ceiling deal, continues to sharply constrain discretionary spending. Though the memorandum does not specify where agencies should make the cuts, AGC continues to strongly advocate for continued investment in federal agency construction accounts as a means to create jobs and to build efficient federal workspaces and an infrastructure network capable of meeting increased economic demands. For more information, please contact Jimmy Christianson at 703-837-5325 or