
AGC Staff Re-appointed to Federal Advisory Committee on Apprenticeship

Liz Elvin, AGC of America’s Senior Director of Workforce & Education Advancement, has been invited by U.S. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis to serve a second two-year term on the federal Advisory Committee on Apprenticeship (ACA). The ACA includes representatives from each of the following sectors: employers (7), public (11) and labor (9).  Members of the ACA have both the experience and background that qualify them to represent the program responsibilities of their sponsoring organizations and are expected to provide a foundation for developing advice and recommendations that are fair and comprehensive. The appointment came just as the Department of Labor is set to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the signing of the National Apprenticeship Act of 1937 on August 1 with a summit, recognition of apprenticeship innovators and trailblazers and a meeting of the ACA. “Apprenticeships serve as an important avenue into a growing number of career pathways, and the committee's work will help to enhance and expand that role,” said Secretary Solis in announcing the appointments. The ACA is charged with expanding apprenticeships into all sectors of the economy and building partnerships that increase apprenticeship opportunities for Americans.