
Analysis of Administration’s Proposed Hiring Goals Shows New Rules Are Not Necessary

A study released Aug. 1, 2012 on Department of Labor enforcement data shows no justification for the costly and complex rules proposed by the Office of Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) governing the hiring of veterans and people with disabilities. The analysis found that significantly less than one percent of federal contractors covered by the rule may have discriminated against a veteran or person with a disability at any point in the past eight years. AGC has opposed OFCCP’s proposed rules because they would create new numerical benchmarks for each federal contractor and subcontractor establishment, a 7 percent hiring goal for these classes of workers, along with numerous recordkeeping requirements. In addition to a lack of evidence of discrimination for these individuals by federal contractors, AGC has also highlighted that the administration has significantly underestimated the cost of the proposed new rules.  To learn more, please visit the AGC website. For more information, please contact Jim Young at (202) 547-0133 or