
GSA Announces New Public Building Service Commissioner

On Sept. 4, General Services Administration (GSA) Administrator Dan Tangherlini announced the selection of Dorothy Robyn, deputy undersecretary of defense for installations and environment, to head the Public Building Service (PBS).  PBS is charged with negotiating leasing and development deals for many of the federal government’s nonmilitary agencies, overseeing 374.6 million square feet of federal workspace. In her previous position, Robyn oversaw the military’s portfolio of about 29 million acres of property, 300,000 buildings and 2.2 billion square feet of building space around the world. She also headed the Defense Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) process. During her three years as deputy undersecretary, Administrator Tangherlini noted that, “Dorothy has gained valuable experience working with GSA to identify ways that this agency and DOD can encourage greater innovation and cost efficiency from construction firms and make federal buildings more energy efficient and sustainable.” Tangherlini also noted the scrapping of the PBS board of directors, which played a major role in strategic planning. He cited his desire to more clearly establish Robyn’s authority and responsibility. AGC and its members look forward to working with Dorothy Robyn in her new role. For more information, please contact Jimmy Christianson at (703) 837-5325 or