
TAKE ACTION: Senate Panel Holds Hearing on WRDA; Tell Congress to Continue WRDA Work

On Sept. 20, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee held a hearing on the need for a Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) reauthorization bill. AGC submitted a letter for the record, thanking the committee for beginning work on WRDA reauthorization and highlighting the importance of needed investment in our nation’s flood risk management, inland waterway, marine port and environmental restoration projects. It is important for AGC members to contact and remind their federal elected officials of the critical need for this legislation, laying the foundation for the new Congress.  Take action NOW and contact your senators and representative by clicking here. In addition to noting water infrastructure system needs and benefits, AGC’s letter also highlights the fact that Congress should act now on a WRDA bill because some on-going water infrastructure project priorities could be stopped without additional budget authority, while other projects could be de-authorized completely. Section 902 of WRDA 1986 (33 U.S.C. § 2280) allows for increases in total project costs of up to 20 percent without additional authorization for modifications that do not materially change the project’s scope or function. However, as Congress passed the last WRDA in 2007, inflationary pressures and other economic concerns may have increased estimated costs beyond this 20 percent threshold, endangering the delivery of some currently authorized projects. Again, your contractor voice is essential for underscoring the importance of WRDA reauthorization. Contact your federal elected officials NOW by clicking here. For more information, contact Sean O’Neill at 202-547-8892 or or Jimmy Christianson at 703-837-5325 or