
AGC Chapter Leaders Visit D.C., Call On Congress to Stimulate Demand for Construction

Earlier this week, AGC’s chapter leaders descended upon Washington, DC for its annual National & Chapter Leadership Conference. This conference is designed to bring chapter leaders together to discuss best practices and meet with Members of Congress to address AGC's top legislative issues. AGC members visited with more than 100 members of Congress and their staff.  During the meetings with legislators, AGC members used the opportunity to urge support for increased federal investment in infrastructure, multi-employer pension plan reform, extending expired and expiring tax provisions to avoid the fiscal cliff and support legislation to stop EPA guidance from expanding federal wetlands jurisdiction. The Conference-designated “hill day” commenced with a session featuring Charlie Cook, who gave his election outlook for the House, Senate and Presidential elections and ended with a discussion on the current Congress and ways to fix the federal debt between AGC CEO Stephen Sandherr and Rep. Stephen LaTourette (R-OH). For more information, please contact Brynn Tupper at (703) 837-5376 or