
Presidential Debate Series

Last night in the battleground state of Colorado, President Barack Obama and former Gov. Mitt Romney met for the first of three presidential debates.  This debate focused on domestic policy and featured discussions on the economy, tax policy, health care and the role of government. Pundits across all network and cable shows agreed that Romney outperformed expectations and the president appeared off his game.  While early polls of uncommitted voters showed Romney winning the debate, it is yet to be seen if the governor’s performance will change the momentum in the race.  Nationally, a recent Politico/GWU Battleground Poll showed the race within the margin of error, but Obama still maintains leads in many key swing states.  For evidence this debate moved uncommitted voters or those leaning toward re-electing the president to Romney’s side – look for movement in polls from Florida, Iowa, New Hampshire, Ohio and Virginia.  Especially focus on any movement among undecided and democrat voters. The next debate in the presidential series will take place on Thursday, October 11 between Vice President Joe Biden and Congressman Paul Ryan.  It will focus on domestic and foreign policy.  This will be the only time the vice presidential candidates meet to debate. Upcoming debates:
  • Thursday, October 11: Vice Presidential Debate at Centre College in Danville, KY
  • Tuesday, October 16: Presidential Debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, NY
  • Monday, October 22: Presidential Debate at Lynn University in Boca Raton, FL
For more information, please contact David Ashinoff at (202) 547-5013 or