
AGC Provides Post Election Analysis on Website and Conference Call

Today, AGC held a post-election conference call that reviewed the election results and the impact they will have on the construction industry during the upcoming lame duck session and 113th Congress.  While the agenda for the next two years will be significantly impacted by what is and what is not accomplished in the lame duck, it will also depend heavily on the mood of Congress and whether they are ready, willing and able to do what needs to be done in order to create an environment that promotes the long-term economic growth our industry needs to prosper. This site includes our best estimate of what Congress will likely address over the next two years. AGC’s election website contains information on the impact of the election on the industry, as well as materials to help you navigate the changing political environment. The site also contains an audio recording of today’s conference call hosted by AGC’s chief executive officer, Steve Sandherr.