
Sandy Aid Bill Stalls in Senate

The Senate has yet to take up and pass the Hurricane Sandy emergency relief bill following the passage of the bill in the House of Representatives last week (link to last week's CLWIR).  The bill does not appear to be in trouble, however; the Senate is debating the rules changes for the 113th Congress.  It is being reported that these rules changes as agreed upon by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell will limit the use of the filibuster, while allowing the minority party in the Senate the opportunity to offer amendments on bills during floor debates. Once the Senate votes on the rules change it is unclear whether they will move to consideration of the Sandy bill or first take up the House-passed debt limit bill that passed earlier this week. It is important that AGC members continue to contact their Senators and urge for immediate consideration of the Sandy emergency relief bill.  For more information, please visit the AGC legislative action center (link to LAC) For more information, please contact Sean O’Neill at (202) 547-8892 or