
Massachusetts Special Election – Markey vs. Gomez

As projected, Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.-5) defeated his House Democratic colleague, Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.-8), in Tuesday night’s special U.S. Senate party primary election. Markey racked up an expected 57-43 percent margin over Lynch, with a turnout of more than 530,000 Democratic voters. All of the candidates are vying for Secretary of State John Kerry's Senate seat, now held by interim Sen. Mo Cowan (D).  When all of the expenditures are totaled, Markey will have exceeded the $5 million mark in spending; Lynch a little over $2 million.  On the Republican side, private equity investor and former U.S. Navy veteran Gabriel Gomez convincingly won his primary, defeating former U.S. Attorney Michael Sullivan and state Rep. Dan Winslow. Gomez scored 51 percent to Sullivan's 36 percent and Winslow's 13 percent. Just over 182,000 Republicans participated in their primary election. Late polling also forecast Gomez to be leading the GOP field, but sample sizes from the public polls were so small as not to be considered reliable. The Gomez expenditure level is not clear at this point in time, but the other two Republican candidates spent less than $300,000 on their campaigns. The special general election, which is scheduled for June 25, appears to be Markey's to lose. Massachusetts is one of the most loyal Democratic states in the nation, and the party leaders are taking no chances with this campaign in light of the 2010 special election results when then-state Sen. Scott Brown (R) upset Attorney General Martha Coakley (D) for the right to replace the late Ted Kennedy (D). However, Gabriel Gomez is an interesting candidate. He is a self-made businessman who grew up in Los Angeles with his Columbian parents. He won entrance into the Naval Academy and went on to become a Navy SEAL upon graduation and active duty service as a pilot. Gomez has the potential of attracting national attention. With his Hispanic heritage and diverse background, he could become the type of candidate for whom the Republicans thirst. But it remains to be seen if the National Republican Senatorial Committee will fund the race or concede it in the face of difficult voting patterns and opposing a majority party whose leaders will leave no stone unturned in order to secure a Markey victory. The winner will enter the Senate immediately upon his election. Since the seat is in-cycle for 2014, the new Senator will serve only the balance of this Congress. He is eligible to run, however, for a full six-year term in the regular election. Though this campaign has yet to produce any surprises so far, Gomez's presence in the general election could make things more intriguing than originally expected. For more information, please contact David Ashinoff at (202) 547-5013 or