
Bachmann Announces Retirement

Former presidential candidate and four-term U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.-6) announced via video that she will not seek re-election next year.  Drawing a parallel between the eight-year term limit placed upon the office of President, Bachmann said that such amount of time was appropriate for a House member to serve, as well. Last week, a Public Policy Polling survey showed her trailing her 2012 opponent, businessman Jim Graves, who has already announced his intent to run again, by a two-point 45-47% margin.  Though saying said she is confident of her re-election next year – despite scoring only 50.5% against Graves in '12 and with no apparent concern over the FEC investigation of her presidential campaign accounts – the Congresswoman believes the time is right for her to leave the House. Minnesota's 6th District is the safest Republican seat in the state (Mitt Romney defeated President Obama here 56.5-41.5%), so the new GOP nominee will be considered the favorite to defeat Graves, particularly in a lower turnout mid-term election.  Ms. Bachmann becomes the 14th House member to either announce his or her retirement or resignation from the House since the last election. For more information, please contact David Ashinoff at (202) 547-5013 or