
Action Needed: Support Immigration Reform

After more than a decade of debate, Congress is at a critical phase for comprehensive immigrate reform In order for the construction industry priorities to be included, contractors must contact their Members of Congress immediately. AGC has provided several options for members to engage with their elected representative during the August congressional recess. We encourage you to complete as many of the following grassroots activities your schedule allows during the month of August: visit your member of congress’ local office; write to your member of congress; invite your member of congress to your business or a local employer group meeting; or speak out at a town hall meeting. You can also make the case for immigration reform in the media by writing an op-ed piece, a letter to the editor, or calling into a talk radio show. The battle for immigration reform is not a spectator sport. In order to enact reform, supporters must stand up and vocalize the need for reform. To get more involved, contact AGC or visit our Legislative Action Center. For more information, please contact Jim Young at (202) 547-0133 or