
Training, Education & Development Forum Seeking Input

A recently released AGC of America survey found that construction firms worry there are not enough craft workers available to meet the growing demand for construction. Now the AGC Training, Education & Development (TED) Forum is seeking input on how it can help AGC members help solve the problem through resources already available and those that could be put in place. The TED Forum was formed four years ago to provide guidance over all AGC education, training, workforce development and credentialing activities. Please take a few brief minutes to complete the following survey so we can conduct a more complete and accurate assessment of which of our current resources – Forum, e-newsletter, education programs, etc. – your firm is taking advantage of; how valuable you find these resources and help define the gaps so that resources can be allocated to the most pressing needs. Your input will help us correctly calibrate our efforts and goals. Thank you in advance for your time and support. Take the survey here.