
Steve Daines Makes it Official

When former Gov. Brian Schweitzer (D) announced in July that he would not seek retiring Sen. Max Baucus' (D) open seat, all eyes turned toward freshman at-large Rep. Steve Daines (R). Now, four months later, Mr. Daines confirms in a formal announcement yesterday that he will become a Senate candidate. His entry in the race gives the Republicans their strongest candidate. The move also sets up a likely general election match-up between he and Lt. Gov. John Walsh (D), who made public his own Senate bid last month. Former Lt. Gov. John Bohlinger, now 77 years old and a former Republican, also says he will run for the Democratic nomination, but Mr. Walsh commands the inside track in the party primary. This Senate race is one of three – South Dakota and West Virginia being the other two – where the Republicans begin as favorites to convert a Democratic seat. Daines’ move creates an open race for the at-large seat for which major action will occur. There are now 22 open seats, 15 of which are currently in Republican hands. Of the 22, six appear poised for serious political competition. For more information, please contact David Ashinoff at (202) 547-5013 or