
AGC Launches Industry Recruiting Template Website

AGC of America is rolling out its template “Build” recruiting website with a free, 60-minute webinar, to be held from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. EST on Friday, Dec. 6, 2013. The template is based on the website created and maintained by AGC of Wisconsin. The goal of this 60-minute webinar is to introduce Chapters and members to the functions and capabilities of the website and encourage the adoption and customization of it for their local market needs. Speakers are:
  • Todd Hess, Chairman of the AGC Industry Recruiting Task Force that oversaw creation of the template. Mr. Hess will introduce the overall concept and goal of the template, explaining what went into its creation and giving a high-level view of how it can be customized.
  • Julie Mueller, Managing Partner of JAM Graphics and Design website developers, will delve into what’s customizable, what’s not, what it will cost to create (roughly), how it can be updated and managed at the Chapter level and what skills & time that effort will take
  • Laura Cataldo, Director of Workforce & Industry Outreach for AGC of Wisconsin, will explain how Wisconsin has customized the template and give her insights as to what it takes to keep it current and how it’s promoted and used in her area.
To register, please click here. The webinar will be recorded and made available for free on the AGC website. For more information, please contact Liz Elvin at