
Contact Your Member of Congress

As the House and Senate Budget Conference Committee members continue to meet, AGC is urging them to address the long-term stability of the Highway Trust Fund. Last week, AGC urged members to visit the AGC Legislative Action Center and send a letter to their respective members of Congress asking them to consider all available options to address the revenue shortfall of the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) in 2015 and beyond.  It is imperative that Senators and Representatives continue to hear from AGC members that they must take the opportunity provided by the budget conference to put forth a plan on how to fill the nearly $15 billion projected gap facing the trust fund next year. In addition to grassroots efforts, AGC is working with its transportation stakeholders to raise the issue, including the AGC led coalition Transportation Construction Coalition, which sent a letter to Congress urging them to consider the HTF Solvency in any final agreement on the budget.  AGC will continue to work to ensure that, if there is a large deal on the budget outside of fiscal year 2014 spending levels and sequestration, the solvency of the HTF will be part of that deal. For more information, please contact Sean O’Neill at (202) 547-8892 or