
Tax Reform Advances Slowly

This week, Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) released three “staff discussion” drafts for reforming the international tax system, administering the tax code, and cost recovery provisions. Chairman Baucus suggested that the outlines were intended to be a starting point rather than a final draft. The changes proposed in the cost recovery draft would generate about as much money during the next decade as repealing accelerated depreciation, according to Finance Committee staff. A 2011 estimate from the Joint Committee on Taxation said that such a change would generate $724 billion over a decade. Some of the significant proposals in the staff discussion draft focusing on reforms to the cost recovery and tax accounting rules include: Depreciation of Tangible Assets
  • Replace the current rules with a system that better approximates economic depreciation based on estimates from the Congressional Budget Office.
  • Reduce the number of major depreciation rates from more than 40 to 5.
  • Eliminate the need for businesses to calculate depreciation separately for each of their assets, other than real property.
Amortization of Intangible Assets
  • Require businesses to deduct the cost of R&D, natural resource extraction, and 50 percent of advertising expenses over 5 years.
Tax Accounting
  • Repeal LIFO accounting and the like-kind exchange rules.
  • Repeal the completed contract method of accounting, except for small construction contracts (less than $10m).
Simplify and Reduce Tax Burdens for Small Businesses
  • Permanently increase Section 179 expensing to $1 million and expand the definition of qualifying expenses.
  • Allow all companies with gross receipts under $10 million to use cash accounting and expense inventory costs.
Comments are requested by the committee staff on all aspects of the discussion drafts as well as other areas of tax reform by Jan. 17, 2014. AGC will be reviewing the potential impacts of the drafts on the industry and replying in kind to the Finance Committee’s policy option papers earlier this year. On the House side, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-Mich.) spoke with a number of business groups and coalitions this week about the status of his draft proposals and timing on moving a tax reform package through his committee. During his first presentation on Monday, speaking to the Coalition for Fair Effective Tax Rates (CFETR) and S-Corp Association, both of which AGC is a member, Chairman Camp asked the group to redouble efforts to publicize their support of tax reform and meet with lawmakers off the tax-writing committees to make an education outreach. Throughout the week, Chairman Camp made the same request to members of the RATE (Reforming America's Taxes Equitably) Coalition, Let’s Invest for Tomorrow (LIFT) America, and Alliance for Competitive Taxation (ACT). AGC will continue its advocacy and education to targeted members of Congress on the tax provisions significant to construction companies as reform efforts progress. For more information, please contact Brian Lenihan at (202) 547-4733