
House Panel Reviews USACE Civil Works FY 2015 Budget

On April 2, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Commanding General Thomas Bostick and Assistant Secretary of the Army—Civil Works Jo-Ellen Darcy defended President Obama’s proposed nearly $1 billion cut to the Civil Works funding accounts in fiscal year (FY) 2015 before the House Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment. Compared to the enacted FY 2014 funding levels for Civil Works programs, the president’s FY 2015 budget includes a $531 million cut to the construction account, a $261 million cut to the operation and maintenance account—which funds dredging and harbor maintenance projects—and a $62 million cut to the Mississippi River and Tributaries account—which funds construction and dredging projects in the lower Mississippi region. In a letter to the Subcommittee, AGC reminded members of Congress that a time when much of the nation’s water resources infrastructure has exceeded its design-life, is not adequately prepared for natural disasters, or is simply under-maintained, the president’s proposed cuts are irresponsible and Congress must oppose them. AGC additionally urged Congress to not miss the tremendous opportunity to complete the legislative process and pass a final Water Resources Reform and Development Act and prevent the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) over-reach through the regulation process on the definition of “waters of the U.S” in the Clean Water Act. AGC has been closely involved throughout the WRRDA legislative process and the waters of the U.S. discussions. AGC will continue to oppose these senseless and irresponsible cuts to the Civil Works programs, to push for enactment of a final WRRDA bill, and advocate against EPA’s proposed expansion of jurisdiction over more waters in the U.S. For more information, please contact Jimmy Christianson at (703) 837-5325 or