
NLRB Ambush Election Rule Comment Deadline Passes

The deadline for public comment on the National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) proposed rule on representation-case procedures ended this Monday, April 7. The proposed rule, known as the “quickie election” or “ambush election” rule, would expedite the union representation election cycle to as little as 10-21 days from the union's filing of a petition for an election. AGC submitted comments on the proposed rule as did the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace, of which AGC is also a member. AGC also sent a letter to the Education and Workforce Committee this week in support of two pieces of legislation that would codify existing NLRB election procedures and prevent the board from imposing sweeping changes on the workplace through regulation. The bills will likely pass the House; however, it is unlikely the Senate will consider them. For more information about the proposed regulation, visit the AGC website. For more information, please contact Jim Young at (202) 547-0133 or