
AGC Joins Coalition Letter Urging Congress to Reauthorize and Improve the Perkins Act

On May 21, AGC signed onto a letter along with a diverse group of 238 businesses, associations, and community groups, urging Congress to reauthorize and improve the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act (Perkins Act). Reauthorizing and improving the Perkins Act will more effectively spend federal dollars, and ensure our nation’s students acquire the skills today’s employers are demanding. The letter asks Congress to better align career and technical education programs with the labor market, encourage collaboration between education institutions and employers, and increase on-the-job learning though opportunities such as apprenticeships and promoting the use of industry recognized credentials. AGC expects Congress to address Perkins legislation later this year and will continue to work with congressional leaders on the legislation.  Additional AGC priorities on workforce issues can be found in the AGC Workforce Development Plan for the 21st Century. For more information, please contact Jim Young at (202) 547-0133 or