
House Majority Leader Lays Fall Plan

House Republicans today outlined their intended priorities for the pre-election session of Congress. As detailed above, the primary goal of the session is to prevent another government shutdown and keep the government funded until after the election. Republicans also want to make sure that the legislation passed during this time focuses on promoting economic growth.  In addition to the legislation to block the vast expansion of EPA regulatory authority of water and wet areas mentioned above, the House plans to address the Affordable Care Act’s 30-hour definition of full-time employment, its grandfathering provisions and modify it to encourage hiring of veterans. They also want to pass legislation to limit unfunded mandates and block regulations that could hamper small business lending.  In addition, they want to pass bills to make the bonus depreciation and expensing provisions permanent. The House will also likely take up legislation on the Keystone XL pipeline and expanding development of U.S. energy resources. Only a few weeks of legislative action are scheduled between now and the end of the month.  The House looks to be busy for the next few weeks. For more information, please contact Jeff Shoaf at (202) 547-3350 or