
Please Tell Us If You Are Having a Hard Time Finding Qualified Workers

Responses Will Help Us Push for Measures Outlines in AGC Workforce Development Plan Since we conducted our first survey to gauge the extent of workforce shortages last Fall, we have heard from many of you that the labor market has only become tighter in the intervening twelve months as demand continues to grow for many types of construction in many parts of the country. While it is clear that worker shortages are a growing concern, and in some cases a significant problem, we feel it is important to better quantify where these shortages are taking place, how severe they are, and what steps firms are taking to both cope with tight labor markers and improve the supply of new, qualified workers. That is why we are asking you to take a few minutes to complete the following workforce survey: Your responses will help us better define the problem to elected and appointed officials, the media, educators and your peers within the business community. The more people understand the scope, and consequences, of a tight construction labor market, the more likely they are to act on the measures we identify in our Workforce Development Plan, which are designed to make it easier for school systems, local associations and private firms to establish career and technical education and training programs. Thank you in advance for your time and support. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Brian Turmail at (703 837-5310 or