
Ways and Means Chairman Ryan Schedules Highway Trust Fund Hearing

AGC to Provide Suggestions for Increasing Transportation Revenue 

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) announced that the committee will hold a hearing on long-term financing of the Highway Trust Fund. The hearing will take place Wednesday, June 17 and, according to the announcement, will explore the feasibility of various ideas to provide a sustainable long-term solution to the Highway Trust Fund shortfall. It was not announced who the witnesses will be. AGC will once again provide the committee with suggestions for increasing trust fund revenue while maintaining the user-fee concept.

The House Ways and Means and the Senate Finance Committees have the responsibility for providing the revenue needed to shore up the trust fund. In order to enact a six-year bill, an additional $100 billion in revenue must be identified to maintain current funding levels. To grow the program, additional revenue beyond $100 billion must be found. Chairman Ryan has been primarily focused on tax reform efforts.

For more information, please contact Brian Deery at or (703) 837-5319. Return to Top