
AGC Urges Congress to Keep Employer-Provided Health Care Tax-Free

AGC of America joined 70 organizations, employers, unions, patient and disease advocacy groups, and health care stakeholders in reminding Congress of the value of employer-provided health care coverage and explaining why it should remain tax-free. 

The letter notes, “Employer-provided health care coverage advances the health and financial security of our nation by providing stable and effective financial protection to workers and their families, nearly 180 million in all, covering more Americans than any other insurance system.”

“We are deeply concerned about proposals that will jeopardize the affordability and accessibility of health coverage. In addition to broad societal benefits and underpinning the stability of our health care system, the current tax-favored treatment of employer-provided health coverage delivers critical value for employers, workers and their families, and the federal government itself.”

Full letter can be found here.

For more information, contact Claiborne Guy at or 703-837-5382.

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