
Featured Story
August 26, 2024
  AGC & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

AGC News

Recent Stories

Wal-Mart has pleaded guilty to charges of environmental crimes, including the mishandling of hazardous waste and pesticides, and agreed to pay a total of $110 million to settle the cases.  The plea agreements end a decade-long investigation into the retailer’s hazardous waste management practices… Read More
June 4, 2013
Registration is now open for AGC’s 2013 Construction HR and Training Professionals Conference, to be held Oct. 16-17 at the Millennium Knickerbocker Hotel Chicago. The conference will provide two days of unique opportunities for HR, training and workforce development professionals in the… Read More
June 4, 2013
Across the country, “patent trolls” are threatening to sue AGC members for making use of any “system” for scanning documents and then emailing the resulting files to employees or others.  In letters sent to at least 16 members, including six in Missouri, these folks have demanded a licensing fee… Read More
June 3, 2013
AGC is pleased to announce the appointment of five new members to serve on its Environmental Forum Steering Committee through the AGC Convention in 2016. Members of the Steering Committee have direct access to federal regulatory officials, influence over AGC’s environmental agenda, and a means to… Read More
June 3, 2013
Many of the environmental rules that are in the pipeline for the next four years are on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) regulatory agenda because of court-ordered settlement agreements—including many that impact the business of construction. A new report from the U.S. Chamber of… Read More
June 3, 2013
Total construction spending registered a small gain in April but showed very mixed patterns among major segments, according to an analysis of new Census Bureau data by AGC.  Association officials cautioned that a surge in certain project types and regions could leave the industry short of workers… Read More
June 3, 2013
Former presidential candidate and four-term U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.-6) announced via video that she will not seek re-election next year.  Drawing a parallel between the eight-year term limit placed upon the office of President, Bachmann said that such amount of time was… Read More
May 30, 2013
Issue Discussed Last Week at OSHA Advisory Committee for Construction Safety and Health Meeting On May 22, 2013, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced plans to extend the compliance date for its crane operator certification requirement to Nov. 10, 2017, in order to re-… Read More
May 30, 2013
A letter is being circulated among members of the House by Reps. Ruppersberger (R-Md.) and Hultgren (R-Ill.) that expresses concern over proposals to tax or partially tax municipal bond interest. The letter requests that leadership not pursue these policy proposals. AGC members are asked to write… Read More
May 30, 2013
TAKE ACTION: Urge Your Representative to Oppose Bid ListingLegislation Rep. Carolyn Maloney recently introduced the Construction Quality Assurance Act of 2013, H.R. 1942, which would mandate general contractors’ bid listing of subcontractors for federal projects. Specifically, if enacted, H.R.… Read More
May 30, 2013