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August 26, 2024
  AGC & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

AGC News

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AGC’s Supervisory Training Program and Project Manager Development Program provide the right career path for emerging superintendents and project managers. Managing a project is hard work and the individuals on the front lines—the project managers and superintendents, need all of the resources… Read More
October 24, 2011
Companies are always looking for a way to get an edge and one of the best assets any construction company has is the people that work for it—don’t you want to make sure that they are at the top of their game? AGC has a host of educational programs that are designed to be delivered locally, enabling… Read More
October 24, 2011
On Oct. 17, the Senate passed, by unanimous consent, S. 275, the Pipeline Transportation Safety Improvement Act of 2011.  The legislation would authorize more federal safety inspectors, increase penalties for violations and require pipeline companies verify their records on pipelines’ physical and… Read More
October 22, 2011
The bipartisan leadership of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee; Chairman Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), Ranking Member James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee Max Baucus (D-Mont.), and subcommittee Ranking member David Vitter (R-La.) announced today that… Read More
October 22, 2011
The new federal 3 percent tax withholding rule will force all large municipalities, all states and all federal agencies to withhold 3 percent of every payment to every contractor until contractors finalize their tax returns for the year.  According to a nationwide construction industry survey the… Read More
October 21, 2011
As the construction industry transforms make sure your team is up to date with the latest industry topics. AGC’s Green Construction Education Program and the Building to LEED® for New Construction course is designed specifically for construction professionals this course, focuses on the… Read More
October 21, 2011
The Senate began consideration this week of the FY 2012 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations legislation. Congress has failed to enact any of the appropriations bills necessary to fund the federal government in FY 2012, and the stop gap continuing resolution currently in… Read More
October 21, 2011
Last Week, the House Committee on Ways and Means approved, unanimously, H.R. 674, which will repeal 3 percent withholding.  The full House is expected to vote next week on the bill.    Please contact your representative to urge them to support passage of this legislation. In an effort to expedite… Read More
October 21, 2011
AGC of America has compiled a searchable Workforce Development Outreach Database of all our Chapters' outreach efforts to attract people to our industry. This database is available free on our web page and is designed to assist members looking to get involved in local activities, Chapters searching… Read More
October 20, 2011
Approximately 100 people attended the 5th Annual Training, Education & Development Conference, earlier this month in Kansas City, Missouri. In addition to the Jay Forte’s keynote address on how to maximize results by engaging and empowering employees to do their best, attendees had ample… Read More
October 20, 2011