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August 26, 2024
  AGC & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

AGC News

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Collective bargaining settlements reported to the Construction Labor Research Council (CLRC) between January and June of this year resulted in an average first-year wage-and-benefits increase of $0.98 or 1.9 percent.  This average is up moderately from the $0.55 or 1.1 percent average reported at… Read More
July 14, 2011
The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB or Board) at a June 29 meeting held further redeliberations of its proposal to update accounting standards related to disclosure of an employer’s participation in a multi-employer benefit plan.  The discussions are largely continuing in a direction… Read More
July 14, 2011
On July 11, 2011, AGC submitted comments on the April 26, 2011, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program (OFCCP) notice of proposed rulemaking, which would implement significant revisions of the regulations governing affirmative action requirements for direct federal contractors and… Read More
July 13, 2011
[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"4557","attributes":{"class":"media-image size-medium wp-image-9186","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","width":"300","height":"183","title":"Dallas","alt":""}}]]Tony Rader, TEXO Chair, Speaks at AGC Event Highlighting Construction Jobs in Dallas AGC… Read More
July 12, 2011
AGC, as the co-chair of the Transportation Construction Coalition (TCC), has been participating in a series of on-air radio station interviews to explain the health hazards of traffic congestion and urge commuters to contact their local member of Congress and encourage them to support new… Read More
July 12, 2011
In a news conference on Wednesday, July 6, Senate Environment and Public Works Chairwoman Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) said that her committee would seek to pass a two-year surface transportation reauthorization bill; instead of a six-year bill that she had previously said was her goal. Boxer said the… Read More
July 9, 2011
Nonfarm payroll employment rose by only 18,000, seasonally adjusted, in June, and the gains for April and May were pared by a combined 44,000, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported today. The unemployment rate edged up from 9.1% in May to 9.2%, seasonally adjusted (9.3%, not seasonally… Read More
July 8, 2011
The White House and congressional leaders continue to meet behind closed doors to negotiate the debt limit and deficit reductions.  Republicans and Democrats have not reached an agreement on a number of issues; however, both sides believed the meeting held on July 7, was a positive starting point… Read More
July 8, 2011
Momentum continues to build in Congress to repeal the 3 percent withholding tax, and AGC members and the construction industry have been at the forefront of the repeal campaign. Last week, AGC sent out individualized state-by-state updates to our members.  These updates named legislators in members… Read More
July 8, 2011
House Transportation and Infrastructure (T&I) Committee Chairman John Mica (R-Fla.) was joined by his subcommittee chairs and a group of other leading Republican committee members at a briefing July 7 to present the outline for a surface transportation reauthorization proposal. Chairman Mica… Read More
July 8, 2011