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May 23, 2024
  Sixty-four percent of highway contractors report that motor vehicles had crashed into their construction work zones during the past year, putting motorists and workers at risk, according to the results of a new highway work zone study conducted by the Associated General Contractors of… Read More

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President Obama’s FY 2017 budget request for the US Department of Transportation supports FAST Act funding levels of $43.27 billion for the federal-aid highway and $9.535 transit programs. The proposal also revives an idea the Administration has suggested several times previously to replace the… Read More
February 12, 2016
FHWA has interpreted recent changes in the federal Cargo Preference Act as applying to federal-aid highway contracts.  The Act, which has been around since 1954, requires that “at least 50 percent of any equipment, materials or commodities” procured with federal funds, and which may be shipped… Read More
February 5, 2016
The White House announced this week that the budget request President Obama will present to Congress next week will propose a $10-a-barrel oil tax, phased in over five years, to pay for a variety of transportation initiatives. The revenue raised would fund clean transportation infrastructure and… Read More
February 5, 2016
The Iowa Caucuses ended in a bit of a surprise. Despite the last ten public Republican contest polls all finding Donald Trump leading the Iowa vote anywhere from one to eight points, it was Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) who claimed first place Monday night with 28 percent preference. Mr. Trump finished a… Read More
February 5, 2016
Kentucky U.S. Sen. Rand Paul suspended his presidential campaign Wednesday morning following a disappointing finish in the Iowa Caucuses. Paul placed fifth garnering just 4.5% of the vote behind US Sen. Ted Cruz (27.7%), Donald Trump (24.3%), US Sen. Marco Rubio (23.1%), and Dr. Ben Carson (9.3%).… Read More
February 5, 2016
Representatives Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.), John Duncan (R-Tenn.), and Richard Hanna (R-N.Y.) introduced the Water Investment Trust Fund Act. This legislation will provide a small, deficit-neutral, protected source of revenue to help states replace, repair, and rehabilitate critical clean and… Read More
February 5, 2016
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced a proposal that would revise the Employer Information Report (EEO-1).  The new report would require all employers with 100 or more employees to submit compensation data and hours worked in addition to the racial, ethnic and… Read More
February 5, 2016
Includes Duplicative Debarment for Late Taxes and Crimes AGC filed comments this week on a Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Council proposed rule that would prohibit federal agencies from entering into a contract with any corporation that has a delinquent federal tax liability or a felony… Read More
February 5, 2016
AGC submitted comments to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on its fourth solicitation for the Every Day Counts (EDC) initiative. AGC supported the Administration’s proposal to include construction partnering in the initiative, demonstrating past success through partnering and emphasizing… Read More
February 5, 2016
Yesterday, Transportation & Infrastructure Chairman Bill Shuster (R-Pa.) introduced the Aviation Innovation, Reform, and Reauthorization (AIRR) Act of 2016.  The bill would authorize programs run by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) through fiscal year 2022.  The FAA has been… Read More
February 5, 2016