
Featured Story
August 13, 2024
With the addition of two new federal bid protests, AGC is aware that four AGC-member construction firms have now filed federal bid protests objecting to project solicitations that require a project labor agreement (PLA). All four protests have led the government to voluntarily suspend the contract… Read More

AGC News

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A key component of the recently passed Budget Control Act of 2011, is the creation of a Joint Select Committee in Deficit Reduction that will be tasked with cutting spending between $1.2 and $1.5 trillion from federal programs to increase the debt ceiling beyond the initial increase of $900 billion… Read More
August 12, 2011
Join large project owners, leaders from top building construction firms, design professionals and other stakeholders at the AGC IPD and Lean Construction Building Conference in San Antonio, Texas, Sept. 21-24, 2011, at the Westin La Cantera Resort. The 2011 AGC IPD and Lean Construction Building… Read More
August 12, 2011
As the prolonged budget battle wrapped up last week, the construction industry still faces legislative hurdles and must remain active to protect its interests. Now is the perfect time for contractors to reach out to their legislators while they spend time in their district offices meeting with… Read More
August 11, 2011
As elected officials in Washington return to their districts for the August recess, AGC urges its members and chapters to contact their Senators and Representatives to ask that they co-sponsor legislation to repeal the 3 percent withholding mandate. To date, 221 Representatives – more than half of… Read More
August 11, 2011
Today, on 8/11, AGC joins the rest of the underground damage prevention community to remind everyone that is involved in an excavation project to follow the key steps to safe digging and damage prevention - dialing 811. Homeowner, landscapers, and other casual excavators must join professional… Read More
August 11, 2011
Looking ahead to 2012, it is unclear whether Congress will continue to fund the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program. National AGC has helped its interested chapters win millions in federal funds to support AGC members’ voluntary “retrofit”… Read More
August 10, 2011
AGC led the construction industry’s effort to restart several billion dollars worth of airport construction projects.  The projects were halted in late July after Congress failed to pass an extension to federal aviation legislation because of a dispute over proposed changes to airline union voting… Read More
August 10, 2011
Construction Management (CM) At-Risk and Agency CM contracts depart from the traditional model of construction contracting.  ConsensusDOCS offers a variety of construction management contracts and coordinated administrative forms that are written and endorsed by organizations with memberships that… Read More
August 8, 2011
AGC members of the Nevada Chapter met, on July 28, with Mark Amodei, Republican nominee for Nevada’s second congressional district special election. Amodei is no stranger to the construction industry. During his 16-year tenure in the state legislature, he remained an industry ally with a receptive… Read More
August 7, 2011
Upon completion of the debt ceiling legislation, Congress adjourned for its summer recess without taking up long-term highway and transit reauthorization legislation. While both the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee (T&I) and the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee (… Read More
August 7, 2011