
Featured Story
July 15, 2024
Apply by Thursday, October 31, 2024!  AGC of America is proud to announce the launch of the 2025 AGC Awards competitions! The Baldwin Group Build America Awards (including the Marvin M. Black Partnering Excellence category) and AGC in the Community competitions recognize the nation's most… Read More

AGC News

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House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman James Oberstar (D-MN) has announced that the bipartisan leadership of the committee has agreed on broad principles for SAFETEA-LU reauthorization legislation and that the highway subcommittee could begin marking up the legislation as soon… Read More
May 7, 2009
The Obama Administration today released additional details regarding its fiscal year 2010 budget request to Congress.  The Administration released a blueprint of its budget in February.  For federal construction spending programs, the Administration proposes a total of $118.7 billion, a $724… Read More
May 7, 2009
On March 31, 2009, the FAR Councils issued a series of interim rules amending the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) in order to implement several key provisions set forth in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. On a finding of "urgent and compelling reasons," the interim rules… Read More
May 7, 2009
Senate Environment and Public Works Chairwoman Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Ranking Member James Inhofe (R-OK), Senate Water & Wildlife Subcommittee Chairman Ben Cardin (D- MD) and Ranking Member Senator Mike Crapo (R-IL) are expected shorty to introduce the Water Infrastructure Financing Act of 2009… Read More
May 7, 2009
The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency issued new guidelines to field offices to specifically instruct agents to step up worksite enforcement on employers. The guidance seeks to refocus agents on employer enforcement because ICE believes that efforts focused on employers is the best… Read More
May 7, 2009
This week, AGC Chief Executive Officer Steve Sandherr wrote and OpEd for The Washington Examiner on the impact of the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) on union construction workers. The story illustrates AGC's concerns on the negative effect passage of EFCA could  have on union workers in our… Read More
May 7, 2009
"You should be able to don a green collar, even if you don't wear a union hat," says AGC chief executive officer Stephen Sandherr as the U.S. Department of Labor gets ready to begin awarding new "Green Jobs" training grants.  Unfortunately the new federal grants are currently available only to… Read More
May 7, 2009
Ken Simonson, chief economist for the Associated General Contractors of America, explained to Reuters during a May 6th interview why federal investments in infrastructure and construction projects are one of the most reliable ways to save and create jobs and jump start the U.S. economy.  Ken spoke… Read More
May 7, 2009
June 10-13, 2009 in Hot Springs, VA How are owners and contractors addressing their needs in today's economy?  How can your firm maintain competitiveness in this market?  The AGC Building Contractors Conference to be held June 10-13, 2009 at The Homestead in Hot Springs, VA will bring together… Read More
May 7, 2009
Due to the changing landscape in Federal Contracting, it is more important than ever that contractors - those experienced in Federal work or those looking to move into the this market - are aware of the ramifications of the new administration, rule and regulation updates, and the impact of the… Read More
May 7, 2009