Citing a contractor's control over employees at a worksite and the payment of hourly wages, among other factors, a Connecticut judge ruled the contractor could not evade Occupational Safety and Health Administration fines by claiming the employees were independent contractors. The decision in a case involving Royal Construction of Canton, Conn., "upholds a basic tenet of the OSH Act, the employer/employee relationship," said Kim Stille, OSHA's regional administrator for New England. EHS Today
Contractors apparently now have more direct access to manufacturers, who are approaching them and going around the traditional middlemen. The practice is said to be more common with makers of lighting. One information technology consultant and three electrical contractors relate their experiences. TED Magazine
Employers reporting a workplace death or injury to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration should be cautious about submitting such information online, which could put them at risk of admitting fault, some lawyers say. "I don't know a single employer who completes an effective and thoughtful incident investigation in eight hours or 24 hours, so I think it's premature to commit in writing to some version of the incident," lawyer Eric Conn says. Business Insurance (tiered subscription model)
Contractors need to be well prepared when applying for insurance and surety bonding. Insurance experts offer their advice and insights on the essentials, including documentation, credit insurance and bonding capacity. The Construction Executive Blog
Following a generally positive performance in 2015, the Architecture Billings Index has begun this year modestly dipping back into negative terrain. As a leading economic indicator of construction activity, the ABI reflects the approximate nine to twelve month lead time between architecture billings and construction spending.
In late February, the AIA-AGC Joint Committee, met in-person at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, CA to discuss the cross-pollination of architect and construction university programs. The ultimate goal of this dialogue is to build empathy between architect and contractor. By cross-pollinating these programs at the university level, students graduate with an understanding and appreciation for their industry associates.
Winners of the 2015 AGC Outstanding Student Chapter Contest were recognized at the 97th Annual AGC Convention, during the Student Chapter Meeting, Wed., March 9. The winners demonstrated dedication to their community and public service through their winning projects. Three applications in particular stood out from the others and AGC of America was happy to honor the following winners of the 2015 AGC Outstanding Student Chapter Contest during the Annual Convention: First Place: Iowa State University, AGC Student Chapter Second Place: Oregon State University Associated General Contractors Third Place: California State University, Chico AGC Student Chapter
During the 97th Annual AGC Convention in San Antonio, TX, the Building Division showcased two excellent sessions for members including a Building Division meeting and a session entitled “Lean Construction for Executives”. The Building Division meeting had two parts with the first presented by Ashley Phelps, Lean Practices Manager with Gilbane Building Company. The session reviewed Ashley’s transition as a scheduler to a Lean Champion where she launched the Last Planner system in under a year on projects in various stages of construction across Connecticut.
At the AGC Annual Convention in San Antonio, TX, the Building Division by acclimation elected Dave Pepper as Chairman for 2016-2017. Dave is Chairman and CEO of Pepper Construction Group in Chicago, Illinois and is responsible for overseeing the financial and operational success of the company. Dave is very active in local community and industry organizations.
Construction charity organization AGC Charities Inc. is partnering with local construction firms to help build Morgan's Inspiration Island, a new disabled-accessible water park addition to nonprofit Morgan's Wonderland. As part of the charitable organization's annual Operation Opening Doors effort, many construction firms will donate time, expertise and money to build a first-ever accessible water park in San Antonio.