Check out AGC’s new jobsite tour brochure that will assist you in hosting state and local elected officials on tours of construction jobsites. This brochure provides information on how to successfully plan and execute a successful jobsite visit with an elected official from the invitation to the thank you notes. As you may know, one of AGC’s advocacy goals this year has been to help member companies host job site tours for members of Congress to provide a hands-on learning experience of the construction industry. These events have been successful in discussing workforce development, infrastructure funding, federal regulations, and other issues critical to our members with those who have legislative authority over our industry. While AGC will continue to complete jobsite tours with members of Congress, we hope you will use this resource to host state and local elected officials on your construction jobsites.

On Nov. 8, the Small Business Administration (SBA) published a proposed rule that makes significant revisions to its mentor-protégé program (MPP). This proposed rule marks the most significant revision of the program since its inception in 2016. The mission of the MPP is to help build a broad base of emerging business enterprises capable of performing high quality construction at competitive prices. The proposed rule would have significant implications for the government contracting community.

On Nov. 8, the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (OSD) released part of Version 0.6 of the draft Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC). This version includes CMMC Levels 1-3, but not Levels 4-5. According to OSD, “CMMC Levels 4-5 are not included in this release because public comments are still being addressed.” Updates to Levels 4-5 are expected to be provided in the next public release. According to OSD, the CMMC model will continue to be improved with the finalization of Version 1.0 in January 2020. The Department of Defense (DOD) will begin including the final CMMC model as “go/no go” in all solicitations starting in Fall 2020.

AGC’s Lean Construction Forum is focused on growing the implementation of lean practices in the construction industry by providing educational opportunities and developing a community where anyone with an interest in lean construction can come together to engage in a dialog on best practices, share information, and participate in a broad, coordinated effort to promote and define the use of lean concepts and processes within the construction industry.

The AGC Business Development Forum brings together Business Development professionals in one place, for one purpose – creating business opportunities by sharing the latest techniques and tools of Business Development, following and reporting on trends in the construction market and connecting a network of professionals invested in building better businesses. AGC’s BD Forum members include project managers, C-Suite executives, specialty contractors, marketing professionals and more - AGC’s BD Forum is for everyone because everyone is involved in BD!

A great crowd participated in AGC’s 2019 BuildCon held November 7-8, 2019 at the Loews Ventana Canyon Resort in Tucson, AZ. The event brought together high-level leaders in the Building construction industry where they gained first-hand knowledge and insight from industry peers on models of collaboration, behaviors, workforce skillsets and ideologies that propel our industry forward.

The U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) recently announced the release of its new technical assistance guide created specifically for construction contractors. OFCCP intends for construction contractors to use the technical assistance guide as a self-assessment tool to review the practices they have in place to eliminate discrimination and achieve their equal employment opportunity goals.
March 11, 2020, at the Bellagio Hotel and Casino
Construction technology provider and national trade organization launch grant program to help address industry need for better-fitting personal protective equipment (PPE) for women working at heights

This week, AGC joined a group of 59 trade groups to call on Congressional leaders to pass legislation extending a number of tax provisions that have either recently expired or are set to expire at the end of the year (commonly called the “tax extenders”). The letter calls for extending these provisions through at least 2020.