Jon O'Brien, Master Builders Association LinkedIn has been called Facebook for professionals, the virtual rolodex, and the headhunter’s haven to name a few. Regardless of what you call this online network, LinkedIn can be important for business development. Before delving into LinkedIn business development advice, let’s look at why LinkedIn is beneficial for the construction industry.
Cynthia Paul, FMI Corporation Have you ever noticed that some people and companies just seem to stand out, and everywhere you turn, they are being quoted or interviewed or are consistently receiving better scores on proposals? They are not much different than others; but, like the old E.F. Hutton advertisement asserts, when they speak, people listen. So what is the difference? In a world of specialized expertise, everyone, from owners of construction projects to your company looking for new talent, wants people with deep expertise and a proven track record of generating results. Being good at what you do, however, is not enough to make you or your company shine; people need to know that you are good at what you do. If you want to stop being that hidden jewel or are looking to make your company’s proposals stand out more, try these few quick tips for getting recognized in writing.
Chuck Fenske, Knoch Corporation In order to execute a successful business development program, it is important to define what business development truly means and what steps are required to make it so. At its core, business development is the strategic manufacturing of revenue growth opportunities. While some use the term as a synonym for sales and others include mergers and acquisitions, business development actually involves a broader scope including corporate strategy, marketing, sales, and human resources. Each of these are prevalent throughout the following steps, which outline a successful business development process.
Chuck Fenske, Knoch Corporation In order to execute a successful business development program, it is important to define what business development truly means and what steps are required to make it so. At its core, business development is the strategic manufacturing of revenue growth opportunities. While some use the term as a synonym for sales and others include mergers and acquisitions, business development actually involves a broader scope including corporate strategy, marketing, sales, and human resources. Each of these are prevalent throughout the following steps, which outline a successful business development process.
George Calys, Acumen Congratulations. You made the shortlist. Now comes the interview. While it's not rocket science, it is work to pull off a great presentation. Here are 10 essential things to consider before every presentation.
Mel Lester, The Business Edge When I first started writing proposals back in the mid-1980s, adding a few graphics was a fairly radical concept. There seemed to be a widespread expectation that technical service proposals must be staid and boring – nothing but the facts, ma'am. Now, attractive layouts, color, and ample graphics are common features in our proposals. But the proposals I've reviewed in recent years still lack effective design for the most part. While they are generally appealing to look at, they fail to meet the most important document design criterion – function. Effective design goes beyond pretty; it facilitates better communication. Let me suggest a few design tips that will distinguish your proposals, not just in terms of their visual impact, but also in their ability to clearly convey your message(s) to your prospects.
Charles H. Green Have you ever had a difficult client? I don't mean the client from hell, I just mean garden-variety difficult. Difficult clients come in lots of different flavors. • There's the client who will not take the time up front to share critical information, explore ideas, or otherwise involve you in the early stages of a project. • There's the client who just cannot make a decision, regardless of how much data or analyses you provide at their request. • There's the client who is frozen by politics or fear or ignorance, who will not face facts about critical issues. • Finally, there's the client with personality issues, who argues, or rejects, or is otherwise disrespectful to you and your team, yet often shows favoritism to someone else or another team. Fortunately, there is a common thread to all of these cases, which--if we understand it--can help us succeed. The common thread has nothing to do with the clients. The common thread is us.
The AGC Pipeline The AGC Pipeline is a publication for AGC’s Municipal & Utilities Division. It covers legislative and regulatory affairs affecting utilities contractors and excavators, educational and networking opportunities, issue alerts calling members to action, and AGC advocacy efforts on behalf of contractors engaged in utility construction. Archive | Subscribe

With America Recycles Day coming up on Nov. 15, members of AGC’s Environmental Forum Steering Committee stepped forward to share their achievements and observations on how construction recycling goes much farther and tackles much larger amounts of material than everyday recycling. We have put together a document, in addition to this article, to really show just what AGC members are doing to promote recycling.
Significantly fewer construction firms are planning to make layoffs in 2012 than at any point in the past few years according to survey results released today by AGC and Computer Guidance Corporation. The survey, conducted as part of the 2012 Construction Industry Hiring and Business Outlook, shows many firms expect key private sector market segments to expand this year even as the overall outlook remains mixed.