Industry Priorities

Construction Firms Have Mixed Outlook For 2024 As Expectations For Demand Remain Mostly Positive, But Less Upbeat Than Last Year Amid New Challenges

New Mandate will Make it Even Harder for Construction Firms to Build Projects, will Undermine Efforts to Diversify the Construction Industry and will Punish Taxpayers, Association Warns

On September 20, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) released a notice for proposed rulemaking addressing a variety of work zone safety issues near highways. Many of the proposed changes aim to modernize standards that had last been updated in the early 2000s, but substantial changes were proposed for topics such as measuring safety standards, reviews of state DOT’s safety programs, and the use cases for positive protection devices.

Help Us Generate a Comprehensive Outlook for 2024 by Taking the Survey Each year around this time, AGC asks you – our members – to predict what next year will be like for your business. AGC has partnered with Sage to prepare questions that focus on expectations for market performance, hiring, labor market conditions, etc. Please take a moment to complete the survey here. AGC of America will use the survey results to help make the case with elected and appointed officials in support of key member priorities. The more people who complete the survey by Thursday, December 7, the more effective the results will be in supporting our work on your behalf.

Department of Labor Issues Final Rule on the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts Which Covers Labor Standards That Apply to Federal and Federally Assisted Construction Projects