On Dec. 19, the House passed H.R. 5430, the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act (USMCA). The passage of this legislation represents a major first step towards ratification of the newly negotiated trade pact between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. The Senate is set to consider USMCA in the new year. AGC has long supported this measure due to the significant economic impact trade with our North American neighbors has on the construction industry. Ratification of this new agreement will help ensure that trade impacting the construction industry supply chain remains free, fair, and certain.

For the eleventh year in a row, AGC of America has been named as one of the nation’s top lobbying operations by Capitol Hill newspaper The Hill. The publication’s annual ranking of top lobbyists lists AGC CEO Steve Sandherr as a top lobbyist. Sandherr said the listing is a really an acknowledgement of the quality of the association’s government relations team, noting that the team secured $7.6 billion in federal highway funding that Congress had planned to cut, a disaster aid package with billions of dollars dedicated to rebuilding impacted communities, and regulatory reforms to lower the bureaucratic burden on the industry, among other accomplishments this year.

On Nov. 8, the Small Business Administration (SBA) published a proposed rule that makes significant revisions to its mentor-protégé program (MPP). This proposed rule marks the most significant revision of the program since its inception in 2016. The mission of the MPP is to help build a broad base of emerging business enterprises capable of performing high quality construction at competitive prices. The proposed rule would have significant implications for the government contracting community.

On Nov. 8, the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (OSD) released part of Version 0.6 of the draft Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC). This version includes CMMC Levels 1-3, but not Levels 4-5. According to OSD, “CMMC Levels 4-5 are not included in this release because public comments are still being addressed.” Updates to Levels 4-5 are expected to be provided in the next public release. According to OSD, the CMMC model will continue to be improved with the finalization of Version 1.0 in January 2020. The Department of Defense (DOD) will begin including the final CMMC model as “go/no go” in all solicitations starting in Fall 2020.

AGC’s Lean Construction Forum is focused on growing the implementation of lean practices in the construction industry by providing educational opportunities and developing a community where anyone with an interest in lean construction can come together to engage in a dialog on best practices, share information, and participate in a broad, coordinated effort to promote and define the use of lean concepts and processes within the construction industry.

The AGC Business Development Forum brings together Business Development professionals in one place, for one purpose – creating business opportunities by sharing the latest techniques and tools of Business Development, following and reporting on trends in the construction market and connecting a network of professionals invested in building better businesses. AGC’s BD Forum members include project managers, C-Suite executives, specialty contractors, marketing professionals and more - AGC’s BD Forum is for everyone because everyone is involved in BD!

Beta.SAM.gov replaces FBO.gov

Military Construction Funding Uncertainty Remains

AGC’s Lean Construction Forum is focused on growing the implementation of lean practices in the construction industry by providing educational opportunities and developing a community where anyone with an interest in lean construction can come together to engage in a dialog on best practices, share information, and participate in a broad, coordinated effort to promote and define the use of lean concepts and processes within the construction industry.
The AGC Business Development Best Practices are an ongoing effort of the AGC Business Development Forum Steering Committee to bring more BD resources and best practices to the AGC membership. This month, the Business Development Forum Steering Committee highlights: When times are good, some companies tend to drop or back-off on marketing and business development spending. Now is the time to educate your team and support their growth in technical knowledge and developing relationships. In our latest BD best practice, David Little, Gallegos Corporation, discusses “Business Development in a ‘Build, Baby Build’ Market”.