
Report, Titled “AGC for All” Catalogues Association’s Accomplishments During the Past Year

This story was originally published by AGC of California.

For over five decades, Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) has been at the forefront of promoting excellence in safety practices. Through rigorous certification processes, the organization has ensured that safety practitioners meet and maintain high standards in their technical competency. The impact of BCSP-certified professionals can be witnessed in the improved safety practices across various sectors, highlighting the organization's commitment to creating a safer work environment.
Construction Firms Have Mixed Outlook For 2024 As Expectations For Demand Remain Mostly Positive, But Less Upbeat Than Last Year Amid New Challenges

Help Us Generate a Comprehensive Outlook for 2024 by Taking the Survey Each year around this time, AGC asks you – our members – to predict what next year will be like for your business. AGC has partnered with Sage to prepare questions that focus on expectations for market performance, hiring, labor market conditions, etc. Please take a moment to complete the survey here. AGC of America will use the survey results to help make the case with elected and appointed officials in support of key member priorities. The more people who complete the survey by Thursday, December 7, the more effective the results will be in supporting our work on your behalf.

Meet Jeff!Jeff Christianson is a graduate of Washington State University with a BS in Constriction Management and holds a MS in Civil Engineering degree from University of Maryland. He joined Exxel Pacific, Inc. in 2003 and is currently the Senior Superintendent of Field Operations overseeing multiple projects in the greater Seattle area.

AGC of America is proud to support the 2023 LCI Congress, celebrating 25 years of Lean learning. Taking place this year in Detroit, Michigan, from October 24 to 27, Congress brings together our Lean design and construction community to gain inspiration across disciplines. Register now to explore transformative topics and supercharge your Lean journey. Lean is all about collaboration, and Congress is the perfect setting to fuel Lean advancement together. Learn more and get a discount code for Congress registration.