
As you increase your use of BIM, you are probably also increasingly aware of the lack of good building product models.  The AGC BIMForum is interested in your experience, opinions and needs in this area. The link below will take you to a short survey.  The highlights of the results of the survey will be presented at the AGC BIMForum meeting in Dallas, TX, May 28 - 29 and posted on-line.  This information will also be communicated to building product manufacturers to encourage them to make the investment in good quality models of their products.  Please take a few moments to help us create a collective voice on this important issue.  Click here to take the survey.

The acting head of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) gave a preview of how the agency will operate under the new administration.  During an address to the Small Business Labor Safety Roundtable last week, acting OSHA chief Jordan Barab said the agency plans to hire between 130 and 160 new safety enforcement inspectors over the coming weeks. Of those new inspectors, 35 will be exclusively assigned to review safety procedures on stimulus-funded projects.  He added that the agency was bringing on an additional 20 people to help write new safety standards. While these moves clearly indicate a greater emphasis on more regulatory and enforcement efforts, Mr. Barab did back down from earlier reports that the agency would walk away from its efforts to partner with employers.  He noted, for example, that while the agency has suspended its practice of setting quotas, early reports that the agency was planning to disband its VPP and alliance programs were not true.He added that the agency was planning on circulating a proposed Globally Harmonized Systems rule within the administration for review "very soon."For more information contact, Kevin Cannon, Director of Safety and Health at (703) 837-5410 or

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) new "Renovation, Repair, and Painting" program requires contractors who work in pre-1978 housing and child-occupied facilities to be certified and to follow specific lead-safe work practices by April 2010.  The agency recently announced that it has begun to review and accredit training providers to conduct the courses that contractors covered by the lead rules are required to complete.  Such contractors should start planning now in order to meet the upcoming compliance dates; EPA expects training opportunities to begin in summer 2009.Approximately one year ago, EPA published a new rule to address lead-based paint hazards created by certain renovation, repair and painting activities (see AGC's Environmental Observer, April-May 2008).  Specifically, contractors performing work that disturbs lead-based paint in homes, child care facilities (residential, pubic or commercial buildings) and schools built before 1978 must be properly trained and certified (i.e., certain contractors will need to complete an EPA-accredited training course) and follow specific lead-safe work practices to prevent lead contamination.  Providers of renovation and dust sampling technician training must be accredited. Until that time, EPA recommends that anyone performing renovation, repair and painting projects that disturb lead-based paint in pre-1978 homes, child care facilities and schools follow lead-safe work practices.  For example, all contractors should contain the work area, minimize dust and clean up thoroughly. Current Requirements & Next Steps Currently, contractors who perform renovation, repairs and painting jobs in pre-1978 housing and child-occupied facilities must, before beginning work, provide owners, tenants and child-care facilities with a copy of EPA's lead hazard information pamphlet Renovate Right: Important Lead Hazard Information for Families, Child Care Providers, and Schools (PDF) | En Español (PDF).  Contractors must document compliance with this requirement.  EPA's pre-renovation disclosure form (PDF) may be used for this purpose. According to EPA, contractors who perform renovation, repairs and painting jobs should also:Take training to learn how to perform lead-safe work practices.Provide a copy of your EPA or state lead training certificate to your client.Tell your client what lead-safe methods you will use to perform the job.Learn the lead laws that apply to you regarding certification and lead-safe work practices beginning in April 2010.Ask your client to share the results of any previously conducted lead tests.Provide your client with references from at least three recent jobs involving homes built before 1978.Keep records to demonstrate that you and your workers have been trained in lead-safe work practices and that you followed lead-safe work practices on the job. To make recordkeeping easier, you may use the sample recordkeeping checklist (PDF) that EPA has developed to help contractors comply with the renovation recordkeeping requirements that will take effect in April 2010.Read about how to comply with EPA's rule in the EPA Small Entity Compliance Guide to Renovate Right (PDF) | en Español (PDF).Read about how to use lead-safe work practices in EPA's Steps to Lead Safe Renovation, Repair and Painting (PDF).For additional information, visit EPA's Web site at  In the coming months, EPA will also post a list of accredited trainers on its website.  You can also call the National Lead Information Center (NLIC) at 1(800) 424-LEAD [5323] to find out more.

AGC continues to update its stimulus website to provide comprehensive information on the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act and the impact on the construction industry. Included on the site is a breakdown of construction spending by program, with additional details on allocations. The site also includes analysis of the various tax provisions within the legislation that affect the construction industry and an overview of some of the policy implications of the legislation. AGC has posted information on the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Council's recently-released reporting requirements for contractors and procurement officials disbursing stimulus funds. AGC encourages individuals to view the information and participate in the public comment period by June 1.The intent of the site is to provide members, and more broadly the construction community, the widest possible range of current information about the stimulus. AGC also aims to highlight the stimulus funds at work and AGC members hiring employees based on stimulus awards. The section "Stimulus At Work" highlights the work our members are doing to help ensure the success of the stimulus package. Visit to share your success stories related to the stimulus.

The 4th Annual AGC/ACI-NA/ACC Airport Project Delivery Systems Summit will focus on the theme "Accomplish More with Less" as it offers valuable insights to all organizations involved in airport construction June 3-4, 2009 in Savannah, GA.  This Summit is presented by AGC of America, Airports Council International-North America (ACI-NA), and the Airport Consultants Council (ACC).  Click here for the latest draft agenda. Early-bird registration and discounted hotel room rates are only available through Monday, May 18.  Discounts on multiple registrations from AGC Member company firms are also available.  For more information, click here or contact the ACI-NA Meetings Department at

On May 14, the U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved legislation to modernize, upgrade and green America's schools by a vote of 275-155. The 21st Century Green High Performing Public School Facilities Act (H.R. 2187) invests billions of dollars in school repair and renovation projects that would create safer, healthier and more energy-efficient learning environments for students.  The bill would authorize $6.4 billion for school renovation and modernization projects for fiscal year 2010, and would ensure that school districts quickly receive funds for projects that improve schools' teaching and learning climates, health and safety and energy efficiency. The measure distributes funds by allocating the same percentage of funds to school districts that they receive under Part A of Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, except that it guarantees each such district a minimum of $5,000.Below are estimates of the amount of funding that each state and school district would receive to modernize, upgrade and repair school facilities under the Act, as calculated by the Congressional Research Service:Click here to download state-level data (PDF, 10KB)Click here to download school district-level data (PDF, 775KB)For more information, contact Marco Giamberardino at (703) 837-5325 or

Join the leaders of the top building construction firms, owners, specialty contractors, and service and supply companies at the AGC Building Contractors Conference June 10-13 at The Homestead in Hot Springs, VA. The AGC Building Contractors Conference will address many important topics, including taking advantage of hidden opportunities, the stimulus, federal labor law changes, and strategies for success in this market.  AGC Chief Economist Ken Simonson will offer his expert economic forecast for the construction industry.  Scott Winstead from FMI Corporation will shed light on how contractors are handling the major issues of the day and discuss ways for firms to better manage during these difficult times.  Attendees will also hear directly from owners about the impact of economic stimulus funding.  The conference will also feature an interactive "Tools for Tough Times" moderated panel discussion highlighting what firms are doing to survive in this economy, sharing creative ways in which firms are trying to get business, and outlining what new opportunities exist in this challenging market. Detailed program information, registration details, and hotel/travel information can be found at  Please note that the hotel deadline is Monday, May 18!Sponsorship Discount Deadline Today:  Are you interested in sponsoring the AGC Building Contractors Conference?  Sign up today and receive 10% off any sponsorship package.  Contact Cassia Griffin at for more information.

June 10-13 in Hot Springs, Va.Join the leaders of the top building construction firms, owners, specialty contractors and service and supply companies at the AGC Building Contractors Conference, June 10-13 at The Homestead in Hot Springs, Va. The AGC Building Contractors Conference will address many important topics, including taking advantage of hidden opportunities, the stimulus, federal labor law changes and strategies for success in this market.  AGC Chief Economist Ken Simonson will offer his expert economic forecast for the construction industry.  Scott Winstead from FMI Corporation will shed light on how contractors are handling the major issues of the day and discuss ways for firms to better manage during these difficult times.  Attendees will also hear directly from owners about the impact of economic stimulus funding.  The conference will also feature an interactive "Tools for Tough Times" moderated panel discussion that will highlight what firms are doing to survive in this economy, share creative ways in which firms are trying to get business, and outline what new opportunities exist. Detailed program information, registration details and hotel/travel information can be found at  Please note that the hotel deadline of Monday, May 18, is quickly approaching!Are you interested in sponsoring the AGC Building Contractors Conference?  Sign up by tomorrow, Friday, May 15, and receive 10% off any sponsorship package.  For more information on sponsorships or the Conference, contact Cassia Griffin at

Due to the changing landscape in Federal Contracting, it is more important than ever that contractors - those experienced in Federal work or those looking to move into the this market - are aware of the ramifications of the new administration, rule and regulation updates, and the impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act on the Federal contracting process.  This webinar series will provide an overview of the existing process and walk attendees through the evolution Federal contracting.Webinars will take place on successive Thursdays on May 21, May 28, June 4, and June 11 from 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM (ET).  Please click the links below for more information.May 21 - The New and Old of Federal ContractingMay 28 - The Contract Award ProcessJune 4 - How to Handle Claims and DisputesJune 11 - The Recovery Act

How are owners and contractors addressing their needs in today's economy?  How can your firm maintain competitiveness in this market?  The AGC Building Contractors Conference to be held June 10-13, 2009 at The Homestead in Hot Springs, VA will bring together members of the AGC building construction community to hear presentations and discuss how best to guide their firms through these challenging economic times. A tentative conference program has recently been posted at  This Conference will address many important topics, including contingency planning, taking advantage of hidden market opportunities, the stimulus, federal labor law changes, and strategies on how to come out on top.  Discussions on industry trends such as BIM, green construction, and IPD, as well as multiple networking opportunities make this a Conference you don't want to miss.Who should attend: building construction professionals, owners, specialty contractors, service and supply firms, and anyone who wishes to contribute to the industry and benefit from valuable guidance and best practices.  For more information and to register, visit  Please note that the May 18 hotel deadline for The Homestead is quickly approaching.   Interested in sponsoring the AGC Building Contractors Conference and showcasing your firm before owners and leaders of this market?  New sponsorship opportunity information is available at or by contacting Cassia Griffin at