
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently revised its uniform guidance for EPA-credentialed inspectors who monitor compliance with the federal Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) rule. For the regulated community, EPA has taken steps to bring many aspects of the firm certification and individual renovator training/certification processes online, seemingly to streamline compliance with the rule. EPA also regularly updates its online collection of Frequent Questions on the Lead Program to clarify requirements for industry, including specific work practices that renovators must follow. This article recaps recent developments related to the implementation and enforcement of EPA’s Lead RRP rule.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a final rule on October 3 to make it easier to exclude tainted data from the agency’s future assessments of compliance or non-compliance with its National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). EPA also finalized guidance for states seeking to demonstrate that a wildfire event affected monitored ozone concentrations. This package of documents could be critical for states looking for all possible options to help them attain EPA’s tighter ozone NAAQS issued in October 2015.
Join AGC in becoming recognized supporters of the great environmental compliance and green construction resources available online at the Construction Industry Compliance Assistance (CICA) Center. AGC worked with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to develop this popular (free) resource more than a decade ago; and it boasts 14,000 visits a month. When federal budget cuts slashed funding for industry compliance assistance initiatives, AGC quickly stepped up to keep the CICA Center online and current. AGC now seeks to establish a long-term funding program to sustain the CICA Center’s future in 2017 and beyond. We hope you’ll join us through our new annual CICA Center Supporter Program.
Also New Proposed Policy to ‘Mitigate’ Construction Impacts to Federally-Listed Species
AGC Shares Concerns Regarding Agency’s Approach to Flood Risk Management
Pursuant to a legal settlement agreement with environmental groups, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has started to map out a brand new rule that will expand the existing Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) program beyond oil to address other hazardous substances. This rulemaking, which must be finalized by late 2019 under the terms of the consent decree, may impact construction sites and related operations that store any of the hundreds of “hazardous substances” identified in 40 CFR Part 116.4. Some companies may need to develop SPCC plans for the first time. EPA has invited AGC to provide early input at upcoming public stakeholder sessions, which include two virtual meetings this fall.
AGC and the International Erosion Control Association recently teamed up to bring stormwater compliance experts and technical assistance to both of their upcoming conferences. AGC’s senior environmental advisor will speak at the Mid-Atlantic Chapter IECA’s Annual Conference – Sept. 20-22 in Annapolis, MD – on what the construction industry views as the most significant changes to the federal stormwater permitting and enforcement programs. IECA’s award-winning speakers will present at AGC’s Contractors Environmental Conference – Oct. 5-6 in Washington, DC – on process water and how to test and manage these waste streams.
Seemingly Innocuous Requirement is a Sign of More Contractor Mandates to Come
Funds May Help States Struggling to Meet Federal Ozone Standard
Agencies Finalize New Greenhouse Gas and Fuel Efficiency Standards for Heavy-Duty Trucks