
The AGC Business Development Forum brings together Business Development professionals in one place, for one purpose – creating business opportunities by sharing the latest techniques and tools of Business Development, following and reporting on trends in the construction market and connecting a network of professionals invested in building better businesses. AGC’s BD Forum members include project managers, C-Suite executives, specialty contractors, marketing professionals and more - AGC’s BD Forum is for everyone because everyone is involved in BD!

On Nov. 4, the Federal Highway Administration released a table showing the cut, known as a rescission, to each state’s federal highway funding as required by the FAST Act. Specifically, the FAST Act requires an approximately $7.6 billion cut in federal highway funding on July 1, 2020. If allowed to take effect, this cut will limit states flexibility to address their individual needs and can negatively impact their ability to plan and deliver critical projects. AGC, along with a broad coalition of stakeholders, is continuing to urge Congress to repeal this cut as part of any must-pass legislation this year.

Transit Funding Cut Addressed

Cutting Off Vital Infrastructure Funding Will Hurt Efforts to Improve California’s Infrastructure and Air Quality; Construction Association Urges Federal Officials to Give State a Grace Period

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The chief executive officer of the Associated General Contractors of America, Stephen E. Sandherr, issued the following statement in reaction to the agreement between President Trump, Speaker Pelosi and Minority Leader Schumer to Pass a $2 Trillion Infrastructure Package:

The chief executive officer of the Associated General Contractors of America, Stephen E. Sandherr, released the following statement in reaction to President Trump’s State of the Union call for new infrastructure investments:

iCERT Portal Down Since January 1
Construction spending inched lower in October from September levels but increased from the October 2017 total, according to an analysis of new Census data by the Associated General Contractors of America. However, investment in public infrastructure posted declines from recent peaks, and association officials urged the White House and Congress to act promptly on comprehensive infrastructure legislation.

AGC’s Lean Construction Forum is focused on growing the implementation of lean practices in the construction industry by providing educational opportunities and developing a community where anyone with an interest in lean construction can come together to engage in a dialog on best practices, share information, and participate in a broad, coordinated effort to promote and define the use of lean concepts and processes within the construction industry.