If I Had a Hammer

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 12/23/2014 - 9:19 am
A nationwide program that operates locally through partners to provide hands-on learning experiences and exposure to math skills using building activities as the means to improve math skills.

Idaho Registered Apprenticeship Programs

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 12/23/2014 - 9:19 am

A searchable list of apprenticeship programs located throughout the state at various colleges and workforce training centers. There are 100 sponsors throughout the state. Additional program information is located on the CareerOneStop website's apprenticeship page: http://www.careeronestop.org/EducationTraining/Find/ApprenticeshipOffices.aspx

Houston Skills Assessment

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 12/23/2014 - 9:19 am
Assessment of current foreman, supervisory, journey-level, and entry-level skills with the intent to identify competency and assess for continued education in conjunction with National Center for Construction Education and Research curricula.

Los Angeles Metro Area ACE Mentoring Program

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 12/23/2014 - 9:19 am
Introduces high school students to career opportunities in the architecture, construction and engineering industries. Students meet weekly with mentors, desigining projects, touring construction sites and completing hands-on solutions to real world challenges. Team projects involve the design of a new or remodeled structure that can be sited on the teams own high school campus. This program also sponsors scholarships for active student participants.