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August 26, 2024
  AGC & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

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[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"4574","attributes":{"class":"media-image alignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-16291","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","width":"150","height":"150","alt":""}}]]AGC of America hosted its 94th Annual Convention in Palm Springs, Calif., March 6-9, 2013. … Read More
March 29, 2013
As expected, Sen. Tim Johnson announced that he will not seek a fourth term in the upcoming 2014 election. He indicated after 36 consecutive years in elective office – including service in the state legislature, and combined time in the U.S. House and Senate – that he and his wife are looking… Read More
March 28, 2013
The AGC Building Division continues to grow our social media presence through LinkedIn and Twitter in order to better facilitate information sharing and dialogue between us and members.  Follow the Building Division @AGCBuildingDiv. Here you will find articles and information about the economy… Read More
March 27, 2013
The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) has announced the last public comment period, open March 1 through March 31, 2013, on the fourth version of its Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System.  USGBC membership will vote on LEED v4 this summer. As… Read More
March 27, 2013
The Real Estate Roundtable recently released their Q1-2013 Sentiment Survey.  The survey is the commercial real estate industry’s most comprehensive measure of senior executives’ confidence in the industry.  The survey receives the opinions of CEOs, presidents and other top executives on the… Read More
March 27, 2013
The AIA’s Architecture Billings Index (ABI), a leading indicator of U.S. construction activity over the next nine to 12 months, had the strongest reading in January – at 54.2 – that it has seen in five and a half years.  January was the sixth consecutive month that the ABI experienced continual… Read More
March 27, 2013
AGC of America hosted its 94th Annual Convention in Palm Springs, CA, March 6-9, 2013.  The Convention was extremely successful with over 2,000 attendees and offering many educational and networking opportunities.  With the close of the Convention, the Building Division welcomed new leadership for… Read More
March 27, 2013
Implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been challenging for many employers.  To offer assistance to construction employers, AGC has dedicated a page on its website to providing compliance resources on the ACA.  The members-only page includes links to white papers, a webinar and… Read More
March 27, 2013
Tuesday, April 23, 2013 | Hilton Miami Downtown In a joint effort between AGC of America and AGC Florida East Coast Chapter, AGC is offering the CM-BIM exam for the first time at the BIMForum.  Although there are 19 chapter testing centers across the United States, offering the assessment at the… Read More
March 27, 2013
The Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) is pleased to announce that it has renewed its Authorized Provider status by the prestigious International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET). While many organizations offer some form of continuing education credit, only… Read More
March 27, 2013